by iamcourageous | May 31, 2022
A Spiritual leader and Ministry Founder, Shekhar Kallianpur shares his own personal battle with guilt and how faith in Jesus has led him to the freedom and influence he walks in today.
#Self-motivation #shekharkallianpur #Shekharkallianpurministries #courageousmagazine #courageousconversations
by iamcourageous | May 31, 2022
A sought-after Spiritual leader, Shekhar Kallianpur shares how these two easy to remember words – leaving and cleaving can be your guide to moving on, and ahead in life.
#Self-motivation #shekharkallianpur #Shekharkallianpurministries #courageousmagazine #courageousconversations
by iamcourageous | Dec 16, 2021
Christmas really is for everyone! watch Anand Gantela talks on the joy of sharing the festival and why the whole world celebrates.
by iamcourageous | Dec 16, 2021
Anand Gantela talks on why Christmas is the world’s greatest celebration and how it is not just a festival for the Church or Christians! it’s time to share Christmas with everyone we know!