by iamcourageous | May 31, 2022
A sought-after Spiritual leader, Shekhar Kallianpur shares how these two easy to remember words – leaving and cleaving can be your guide to moving on, and ahead in life.
#Self-motivation #shekharkallianpur #Shekharkallianpurministries #courageousmagazine #courageousconversations
by iamcourageous | Jun 5, 2021
In an interesting take on Christian maturity, Santhosh Vennamalla takes us through how events and processes are linked with the Christian’s journey.
by iamcourageous | Apr 29, 2021
Providing an interesting perspective on water baptism, Uncle PKD talks of the the significance of baptism and also addresses a contextual / cultural dilemma: does it always need to be public?